Week Six: Engaged Minds, Engaged Hearts 

Week 6 Engaged Minds, Engaged Hearts 

Now, it is time to examine all that you have learned on your Lenten “All Our Understandings: Loving God with your Mind” journey. What did you notice? What practices, if any, will you take with you moving forward? Whether you made radical changes in your habits and sources of information or you are still in the noticing stage, it is important to release any judgment on others and yourself when it comes to examining the overall consumption of information. Afterall, we do live in a “digital age.” Recognize that even 1% turns in our daily routine will change the overall course and lead to a healthier you.

Week 6 Prayer

Almighty God, through your Son Jesus Christ, you overcame death with love, and opened for us the gate of everlasting life; lead us into the mystery of the resurrection, and fill us with your life-giving Spirit so we can join you in building your kingdom of justice and love; through your many names we pray. Amen. (Common Prayer for Children and Families, Gamber & Seamans, page 11)

Prayer Request