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February 23, 2025 – The 7th Sunday of Epiphany

Speaker: Drew Brislin
Category: Weekly Sermons

Genesis 45:3-11,15; Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42; 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50; Luke 6:27-38

The Rev. Drew Brislin

In the name of the one Holy and Undivided Trinity, Amen.

While we often speak in glowing terms of the “Golden Rule” and use it as a teaching tool for children, we discover this morning that it is part of a larger set of instructions given to us by Jesus. That larger set can sometimes leave a bad taste in our mouths, as it calls us to act in ways that might make us uncomfortable in certain situations. Treating others as we want to be treated sounds simple enough, but what about turning the other cheek or giving someone your coat after they take your shirt?

I’m sure it won’t surprise you that aspects of our Gospel reading today have been misused in unhealthy ways by the church—and by those in unhealthy relationships. The instruction to “turn the other cheek” has often been used to justify staying in abusive relationships. “The measure you give will be the measure you get back” has been quoted by proponents of the prosperity gospel. “Do unto others as you would have them do to you” was used by missionaries to justify taking indigenous children from their homes and placing them in boarding schools, where they were forbidden to speak their language or practice their religion. Too often, the church and society interpret Jesus’ message in a way that serves their own interests.

This morning, Jesus continues his Sermon on the Plain. He has called his Twelve into service, and last Sunday, we heard his blessings and woes, which challenge society to reorder itself. Now, we receive these instructions on how to love.

So, what is Jesus teaching us today? I think maybe if we are going to be followers of Jesus, then loving our enemies is going to be an obligation and not just a charitable option. I don’t know about you but that sounds pretty challenging to me. Why is he calling us to do this seemingly impossible task?

I love leading chapel with our day school children. It’s a wonderful time, and they bring so much joy to my week. It’s also often the first time I talk about the Gospel lesson and try to make it relatable. If you think standing here talking to you about Jesus is challenging, try keeping a four-year-old’s attention for five minutes. I asked them if they had ever had someone they loved not be nice to them. One child’s response especially resonated: their dog ate their shirt, which wasn’t nice, but they still loved it. If you’ve ever owned a dog, especially a puppy, you’re probably familiar with how your favorite pair of shoes can become the victim of a chewing incident. When you decide to take on a puppy, you accept this as part of the deal.

As Jesus continues his discourse this morning, addressing his disciples, he is offering good news—news that, while not easy, will continue to reorder society. The new rules that Jesus provides are not about reciprocity or how we react to those who wish us harm, but rather about compassion. These rules are about building a new community. When we encounter those who seek to harm us, we have three options for how to respond: we can respond with violence, we can do nothing, or we can follow the way of Jesus and reset the power structure. These rules are not about keeping score or managing social debts. They are not about staying in abusive relationships or about getting rich. This scripture is not about being passive in the face of adversity. Rather, these instructions are about giving for the sake of giving and forcing someone to look us in the eye and see us as equal when they have wronged us. These commands are about leveling the playing field and resetting the power dynamic within society.

What does this look like today? I can’t help but think about the child who lost their shirt to their dog and still loved it, despite the dog behaving like a dog. I, too, have lost shoes, pillows, and other items to puppies behaving like puppies. I think our Baptismal Covenant calls us to seek and serve Christ in others, requiring us to see everyone as the beloved creation of God that they are. A friend who ran a feeding ministry once told me, “If you give without regard for what the person does with what you give them, no one can take advantage of you.” It is not our place to question. It is not our place to judge. Jesus is teaching us how to relate to the material things of the world. This new way is not about passivity. Instead, it teaches us to be actively involved in a way that undermines hostility. Perhaps, when we see Jesus’ instructions this morning in a new light, as tools for building community, we can begin to see them as offering us a new way of being—one where we are not taken advantage of but a new way of being in community that calls us to a radical way of love.

