From the Rector…
On Friday, March 13, 2020, the clergy in the Diocese of Alabama received an email from the bishop announcing that in-person worship services would be suspended indefinitely. The staff and I quickly scrambled to figure out how to livestream church on Facebook that Sunday. It was a disaster as churches everywhere were livestreaming and basically broke the internet. While we knew the coming weeks would be challenging, we had no idea how long the disruption of the pandemic would last or its full impact.
The weeks before churches “shut down” across the country, we watched the pandemic and its effects around the world. When it finally arrived, we had done some work to prepare for it. Becky Taylor and Tiffany Nishibun organized the parish into small groups of eight households that were geographically situated near one another. Each group had a leader who communicated with their group, intermittently, throughout the pandemic helping us maintain connection and offer support, even though some groups were more active than others.
Laura Walters researched an A/V and lighting system for livestreaming, which allowed us to create a visually appealing worship experience. Three new cameras, a new sound system, lights, and a production booth were installed early in the pandemic. We continue to use this system today for streaming and recording. Although we prefer in-person worship, we are grateful for the opportunity to connect and worship with those who cannot attend due to distance, travel, or being homebound.
Staying connected to people—through small groups and livestreaming—was central to our preparation. When we were told to stay home, it didn’t take too much for us to adjust. That first Sunday we livestreamed was the Third Sunday of Lent—it felt like the lentiest Lent ever. As the pandemic dragged on, we nicknamed it “The Great Pause.” We began offering “communion to go” in the back parking lot thanks in part to Steve Frazer’s idea to use small bottles to share communion wine. Tiffany created and delivered Sunday School kits to families’ front porches. We attempted Christian formation, coffee hours, and meetings on Zoom. The learning curve was steep, but we supported each other with grace.
By midsummer, we were allowed to hold outdoor services. Will McQueen painted circles on the front lawn, and we set up an altar and microphone for worship. These outdoor services were at 9am, following a 7:30am livestream. I am forever grateful to those who woke up early on Sunday mornings to participate in worship. I know it is challenging to sing first thing in the morning, yet members of the choir faithfully showed up. Volunteers learned the A/V system honing their skills to make online worship engaging. Families brought chairs and sat in tight circles, masked and enduring the heat, cold, and even a few rainy Sundays. Throughout “The Great Pause” there was a spirit of perseverance and commitment to worship God—giving him thanks and praise even in difficult times.
It is hard to believe that it has only been five years since that fateful week—it feels like a lifetime ago. But the lessons learned during that time have strengthened our faith and renewed our hope. As we enter into Lent this year, I invite you to reflect on how the pandemic affected you and your family and the lessons you learned. These lessons are the life lessons that continue to serve us whenever we face challenges and difficulties.
Light and Life,