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December 31, 2024

From the Rector…

We are near the end of our The Way, The Truth, and the Life Capital Campaign renovations. We started more than two years ago and phased the renovations in three parts: the choir loft, ADS, and Joshua Commons. All the interior renovations are complete and we hope to finish our labyrinth garden and outdoor space in the next several months.

The renovation of the fourth floor as our new choir loft was our first phase. Whereas the choir once rehearsed in a cramped, low ceiling room, they now enjoy a spacious rehearsal hall with amazing acoustics and plenty of room for our two children’s choirs to rehearse as well. Compline is prayed in the space on Wednesday nights at 6:45pm with children leading the service and adults, youth, and kids all worshipping together. The completion of the choir loft realized an unexpected increase in people—both adults and children—in choir, and we were inspired to begin an ASU choral scholars program that is enjoying its second year at CoA. Amazing results for a worthy investment.

Phase two was the renovation and expansion of Ascension Day School. The project included not only more classrooms but a sensory/gross motor skills room complete with climbing wall as well as The Breathing Space—a soundproof room dedicated to helping children in emotionally agitated states to calm down. The space will also host the MindUp Program instituted by church volunteers to teach preschoolers mindfulness and improve attention span and emotional awareness. Just as the choir noticed particular benefits related to its renovation, ADS has as well. The school has adopted an intentional curriculum to prepare children academically as well as a STEAM program, Spanish, and music extracurriculars. The school continues to grow and is considered one of the best in Montgomery with almost 100% of our kids testing into the magnet program or the private school of their choice.

The last phase of the campaign has focused on the renovation of Joshua House now known as Joshua Commons. As we began the renovation, we discovered significant termite damage in the main hall of the building. Our timing was perfect. Had we not renovated the building, it would have become a significant danger in the very near future. Instead, providence won out and our renovations have offered a beautiful space with windows in the north and south walls and significantly improved acoustics allowing for a multi-purpose space to host the many community gatherings and meetings that populate our calendar including the Garden District Preservation Association, AA, our Boy Scout Troop, and many others.

The last piece of the project is our labyrinth garden. The plans for the original garden are on display in Joshua Commons. However, since the plans were drawn, we have been given the opportunity to purchase the property directly north of the building. This additional property helps us to expand our original vision and (hopefully) deal more effectively with our water run-off problem. We hope to close on the property in the next few weeks and will revisit our vision around the new outdoor space. Currently, the vision is to utilize this green space as an extension of our mission as a place of prayer, peace, and hope in our neighborhood.

Jesus enters the world—maybe not as a renovation project, but the similarities are amazing. He comes to help us realign who we are and remember what we truly desire. He comes to help us renovate our lives. Sometimes that means we have to gut everything and start all over, sometimes it means we get to improve on what we already have, but always it means fresh opportunity and a potential for a new way of being in the world. Though I am not sure what those new ways of being might be for Joshua Commons (JC), I am trusting that the growth and opportunity we have realized in the first and second phases will be no less in this final one. I am excited to see what the Holy Spirit has in store for us.

Light and Life,


[email protected]

P. S. There are two years left in the financial aspect of the campaign for those who have already pledged. If you would like to make a two year pledge or give a one-time donation, we would love for you to be part of the campaign with us. Simply contact Tracy Hinton-Adams ([email protected] or 334-263-5529) for more information on how to give.