July 31st, 2022: Eighth Sunday of Pentecost

Hosea 11:7-11; Psalm 107:1-9, 43; Colossians 3:1-11 Luke 12:13-21 The Rev. Andrew D. Brislin Whenever my brothers and I would argue over some toy or some material thing because we felt like one of us was getting more than the other, my dad would always tell us that he never saw a Brinks truck following behind […]

July 24th, 2022: Seventh Sunday of Pentecost

Hosea 1:2-10; Psalm 85; Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19) Luke 11:1-13 The Rev. Candice B. Frazer In the first Harry Potter book, The Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry receives an invisibility cloak that had belonged to his father as a Christmas gift. Harry’s parents died when he was a year old and he had grown up in his aunt’s home with […]

July 17th, 2022: Sixth Sunday of Pentecost

Amos 8:1-12; Psalm 52; Colossians 1:15-28 Luke 10:38-42 The Rev. Candice B. Frazer One of the challenges in ethics is the ethical or moral quandary. Simply put, this is when two right or good things are put into opposition with one another, and you are forced to choose. Part of the challenge is that in choosing one right […]

July 10, 2022: Fifth Sunday of Pentecost

Amos 7:7-17; Psalm 82; Colossians 1:1-14 Luke 10:25-37 The Rev. Drew Brislin Some of my fondest memories growing up center around fishing trips I took with my dad and Grandfather as a young boy. I remember my dad coming in and waking me up in the early morning hours before daybreak to get ready. Now during the […]

July 3rd, 2022 : Fourth Sunday of Pentecost

Kings 5:1-14; Psalm 30; Galatians 6:(1-6),7-16 Luke 10:1-11,16-20 The Rev. Drew Brislin What does it mean to proclaim God’s kingdom? This past week I had the pleasure of serving as a chaplain for Sawyerville Day Camp. This was my third time to serve this particular ministry of our diocese in this capacity and it is a […]

December 5th, 2021 | Third Sunday in Advent

Advent 2C:  Baruch 5:1-9; Canticle 4; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6 The Rev. Candice B. Frazer In C. S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters, Uncle Screwtape, or the Tempter as he might be known, counsels his young apprentice, Wormwood, on the most effective ways of leading humanity down a dark path.  In his ninth letter he laments […]

November 29, 2020: The First Sunday of Advent, The Rev. Candice B. Frazer

Restore us O God of hosts; show the light of your countenance and we shall be saved. My dogs are great at watching and waiting.  They know the signs of feeding time.  They will sit and watch, or maybe stare is a better word because they think they have Jedi mind skills, at the place […]

November 22, 2020: Christ the King Sunday, The Rev. Drew Brislin

“Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Today is Christ the King Sunday. It is the last Sunday in Pentecost before we begin a new church year and the season of Advent. So Happy New Year, kind of or Happy New Church […]