June 21, 2019: The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Candice Frazer

I have a chore chart on the side of my fridge that tells me what household tasks to do on particular days.  On Mondays I vacuum and wash towels.  On Tuesdays I change the bedding and wash the sheets.  On Wednesdays I dust and wash darks.  On Thursdays I clean bathrooms and wash whites.  On […]

July 14, 2019: The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Candice Frazer

In the Parable of the Good Samaritan that we read today we hear the story of three people who come across a man lying in the ditch alongside the road, having been robbed, beaten, and left for dead.  The first two good Jewish men—a priest and a Levite—see the man but pass by on the […]

July 7, 2019: The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Candice Frazer

We often have a somewhat dualistic take away of the experiences of our lives.  We are accepted or rejected, successful or failures, good or bad, right or wrong, you get the gist.  That dualism is not only how we define our own experiences, but is the lens we use to find meaning in life.  Since […]

June 23, 2019: The Second Sunday after Pentecost, The Rev. Candice Frazer

In first century Judea and the surrounding countryside there was constant conflict.  There was in fighting amongst the various sects of Jews, raids back and forth between Gentiles and Jews, and military action of the occupying forces of Rome.  The area was a hotbed of unrest and angst that led to violent and bloody outbreaks […]

June 9, 2019: The Day of Pentecost, The Rev. Candice Frazer

In March of 2018, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry got a call from a member of his staff that the Archbishop of Canterbury’s office had called and would like Bishop Curry to preach at the Royal Wedding of Meaghan Markle and Prince Harry.  Bishop Curry’s first reaction was that it was a little too early for […]

June 16, 2019: Trinity Sunday, The Rev. Candice Frazer

In the name of the Triune God: Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer The book Where the Crawdads Sing, tells the story of Kya, a young girl abandoned at the age of 6 by her mother, then siblings, and finally her father and ostracized by society at large.  Though left on her own at a young age, […]

June 10, 2019: Guest Funeral, The Rev. Candice Frazer

I never knew Pat Guest.  The first time I met her she was lying in her bed at Waterford, unable to talk or communicate with me.  She was small, quiet, and peaceful.  Her face and body were calm—it was as if she knew her life had been well lived and she was readying herself for […]

June 17, 2019: Hudgens Funeral, The Rev. Candice Frazer

It is hard to walk the path of another’s death.  And Gail was never alone—Charlie and Sam and Carol and Bill and Joe and James as well as countless friends and prayers accompanied her these last few years and didn’t leave her side these past few days on the earthly portion of her journey.  And […]