Outreach Committee
The mission of the Outreach Committee is to support outreach ministries at Church of the Ascension and to grant money to local, national, and international organizations seeking to feed the hungry, visit the prisoner, clothe the naked, and heal the sick as Jesus taught in Matthew 25. A percentage of the annual budget is granted to the committee for this purpose, and we meet with representatives of various organizations to learn about their mission and how the Church of the Ascension can help fulfill that mission. Volunteers meet monthly on a Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. in the small dining room.

Mercy House
Mercy House is a ministry that feeds, clothes and cares for people in need. Started by Pastor Ken Austin, Mercy House serves approximately 175-200 hot meals five days a week and is assisted by volunteers. Every Thursday Ascension and St. Johns volunteers’ partner on this outreach effort. Two volunteers are typically needed each Thursday. This is a rewarding ministry for everyone involved. Ascension’s weekly E-news has a link to a sign-up.

Foodbox Ministry
The Church of the Ascension ongoing food ministries are complemented by the distribution of nonperishable foods boxes for families in need throughout the year. The Food Packing Program packs food boxes designed to provide a several day supply of food stuffs. Food boxes are distributed individually and delivered to needy families quarterly. Help is always welcome to assist in packing and distribution. As with all ministries it is the efforts and commitments of individuals that make this possible.

Wednesday Night Tutoring –New Beginnings
Our primary task is to help the children, most of whom come from Paterson Court, with their homework one-on-one on Wednesday evenings, so that they understand better whatever they are studying, and thus improve their grades. We help them with their manners and behavior, too, and play games with them. They come with lots of big smiles and lots of energy. It is our job to direct that energy into constructive paths and help them develop their talents, whatever they are.
The tutoring program provides us with an opportunity to reach out to our neighbors, recognize their needs, and endeavor to help them. For the children, it is an opportunity to see the world beyond their doorstep, and for us, an opportunity to expose them to more learning experiences than they otherwise might have.

Angel Tree
Milton Lewis Memorial Angel Tree Shopping
Each year Ascension volunteers raise money and shop for Christmas presents for needy children. Ascension members gather to shop on the first Saturday in December. Each year the church contributions make gifts a reality for many children.

Beans & Rice
Our ministry is emphatically local! We gather in the parking lot of our church near Joshua House and give two pounds of dried beans and three pounds of uncooked rice, mostly to our neighbors, on the second Saturday morning of each month. Additionally, we offer small toiletries, (sample size soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.) as well as bread, and a varied assortment of canned goods, fruit and peanut butter generously donated by our church members. The Beans And Rice Ministry is a good outreach to join if you cannot commit much time but wish to be involved. Distributing the beans and rice happens from 9 am until 11 am on the second Saturday of each month. Scooping the beans and rice into plastic bags for distribution requires about two hours every two or three months and donating toiletries can be done instantly by dropping them into a basket by the church office.

Scouting exists to develop youth to make wise ethical and moral decisions for life. Pack 1 and Troop 1 at the Ascension pursue that mission through outdoor programming in the context of the Episcopal Church’s theology of love, grace, and growth. Adult volunteers are always welcome to teach a skill or merit badge or serve on the administrative committees. All Scout leaders undergo a background check and thorough training for all positions. Contact Andy Akin for further information.

Lay Weeders
The Lay Weeders are a body of green and brown thumb-ers who enjoy being on our knees and digging in the earth. Our goal is to contribute to an invitational church by beautifying our gardens and honoring those who preceded us. Some say we seek to foster Benedictine spirituality which is a fresh alternative in an increasingly fast-paced world. The typical person takes little time for personal renewal in the hectic daily round of activities. Benedict reminds us of our priorities: prayer, contemplation, balance, and the importance of everything we do. We meet when the weeds call to us or the flowers seek to be planted; it doesn’t depend on the cycles of planets or moons. Doughnuts may or may not be available, we’ll let you know.