
All Our Understandings:

How do we love God with all our minds?

Lent 2024

All Our understanding graphic

In the season of Lent, we often take something on or give something up as individuals. This year we are inviting the whole church to participate in understanding how we absorb information in the world and how it shapes our minds, hearts, relationships with others, even our relationship with God.

Over the six weeks of Lent, we will offer various practices to help each of us examine our use of screens and gathering of the “news” in order to clearly define the information we ingest and help to create and grow into healthier practices around our screens as individuals, families, and the body of Christ. Follow us on Facebook and check the weekly eTower for tips and practices. Sunday School, Wednesday Night Live, and other formation opportunities will deal with particular concerns around our screens and intake of information. Candice+ and Drew+ will even offer a preaching series to help us grow as good stewards of our information technology.

Weekly Practices

Praying shapes our believing. When we pray, we are shaping not only our hearts, but our minds as well. We are building up and nurturing our relationship with God. Our prayers are less about telling God what we want God to do and more about helping to form our hearts and direct our energy into God’s will. In this series, we will take a deeper dive into the prayers that shape the season of Lent and guide us into greater spiritual health and closeness with God. Not only will we examine Lent, we will do so through how our spiritual practices can shape who we are as well as identify the things of the world that draw us from God.


Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Bread of Life

Wednesday Night Live

Clergy Forum

Prayer Request